Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Karma - Again!

Srimathe Raamaanujaaya nama:
Let us try to get a handle on the larger perspective regarding Karma.

Firstly there is Sanchita Karma – the huge baggage of karma we are all carrying from the millions of previous births. This is the “Universal set” of the individual karma carried by each and every atma. The Sanchita karma is owned by the atma at all times into eternity, having acquired them over millions or billions or even trillions of births.

Even though all atmas equal in the eyes of the lord and there is no discrimination by caste, color, religion, sex etc. (which atmas do not have in any case), each atma is different in its sanchita karma. There are trillions, nay, countless such atmas that exist in existence.

The important thing to understand is that this bagful of karma is all mixed up – karma from previous birth, the one before, the one from millions of births ago etc.

Secondly, there is prarabdha karma. This is nothing more than tea-spoonful of karma drawn from the sanchita karma. This is the karma we are born with in this life. This tea-spoonful of karma is what the Supreme Brahman, the Lord of this universe, has determined we will spend in this life. With the objective and anticipation that you will succeed in exhausting this tea-spoonful of karma in this life, the Lord makes to take birth in a certain family at a certain place that, at the time of birth he has determined, will help you exhaust that spoonful of karma.  

The second important thing to understand is that this tea-spoonful of prarabdha karma is also all mixed up – some karma from previous birth, some from the one before, some from the one you took millions of births ago.

The Supreme Brahman’s target for you is – “exhaust this tea-spoonful of karma in this life!”.  It is in order for you to achieve this, It has given you intelligence! Having given you intelligence, and the vedas and shastras that it created before it started creation, it expects you to acquire knowledge of shastras and live your life in accordance to the what it says. If you do that (i.e live life as per what shastras say), you would have exhausted the tea-spoonful prarabdha karma by the end of this life. However, the vast majority of us choose to ignore the shastras and live whichever way we feel like! Instead of following the teachings of the shastras implicitly without questioning them, we go by the teachings of the Newtons, the Darwins, the Hawkings’, and the Dawkins’. Therefore, instead of exhausting that tea-spoonful of prarabdha karma, we end this life having acquired an additional table-spoonful of karma that gets added to the Sanchita.

Moksha is that state we achieve when we have exhausted the entire sanchita karma baggage.  However, if we go on acquiring table-spoons of karma in each life, our sanchita only keeps growing and not diminishing. Nevertheless, the Lord, the creator of this universe has immense patience!  He will give more births, some as animals and plants in which you can only exhaust karma and cannot gain more. Why is it so? Because shastras do not tell animals or plants how to live their life! They only instruct human beings! Because, only in the human-life you have the eligibility to be governed by the laws of the shastras. Isn’t it then clear that – if we live according to what shastras say, we can exhaust our prarabdha. If we do not live according to what shastras say, we acquire papa-karma!

In an astrology forum a friend of mine stated, “I had mentioned that leaving out people for whom this is the last janma (there may not be many I suppose), for others it is better that they find out their weaker planets and do some parihara …”

Well, well, well, it is not predestined that this is the last Janma for some! It is an individual’s choice that you can make in this life!  It is for the sake of this realization and for the sake of making that individual effort to make this your last Janma he has endowed each and every human being with intelligence and free-will.

Now, if this has motivated you enough to make the decision that you want this to be your last Janma, read on! However, If you are questioning this or negating this, remember that you are doing it out of your free-will (and not destiny) and making the individual decision that you want to enjoy more sansaric life either back on planet earth or one of the other universes where He has created lifes very similar to ours here! If you have made such a decision, please know that it could take several million birth cycles before you could get another human birth. Also please be ware that when you get the next human birth, I may not be here to write about it on a forum like this, and you may not be here to read it. 

Now, if you have decided out of your free-will (and not destiny) that you want this to be your last Janma (i.e you have reached the state of mind – I have had it enough. I do not want any more lives on earth!!), then you might want to know the next steps. Yes, there is a clearly defined procedure. If you would like to know about it, and if you are serious about wanting this to be your last Janma, Please email me at sudarshan.go at gmail dot com.

Yes, this life can you be your last Janma – and you have the free-will to choose this to be your last Janma! No need to trouble astrology or astrologers to guess who you are going to be in the next birth, or who you were and what you did in previous births. All that is for time-pass after ascertaining that this is your last Janma! Don’t’ delay! Do it today!

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