Sunday, March 25, 2012


He is not Ganesha, Shiva's son! He is Gajavaktran, one of the chieftains in Vishvaksenar's army, and one of the sentries in Sri Vaikuntam! Seen here are the Thirumazhisai Jagannatha Perumal Temple.


Dev said...

I saw the murthy of Vishvaksenar in a Vishnu temple at Virugambakkam. He looked just like Ganesha with tiruman srichurnam. I dont see such vigrahams or statues in many Vishnu temples, why is it so though he is so important for us.

Dasan said...

Then you have not seen Vishvaksenar. or it might have been labeled by the temple authorities wrongly. The one with elephant face is Gajavaktran. Vishvaksenar does not have elephant face. There are only subtle differences as in what he has in hand etc that help you differentiate, apart from the Thiruman. In some vishnu temples nowadays somebody donates a vigraha of vinayaka and they want to install without so much sampradaaya knowledge.You can see Vishvaksenar in most divya-desams. IN Srirangam he is right by the side of perumal. The famous shloka "Shuklaam bharataram ..." is in honor of Vishvaksenar and not Vinaayakar.