Monday, January 24, 2011

Life is Knowledge

The purpose of human life is acquisition of knowledge (gnyan vikas).  There are three primary sources of knowledge - two are scientific, the third is extra-scientific.  The scientific sources of knowledge are practical experience (pratyaksha), and inference (anumana).  Practical experience is realized through the 5 sense organs. Logical extrapolation is achieved through thinking and extending what we already know.  It however needs a starting point fixed in what we know through practical experience.  For example, we know that wet-log+fire causes smoke.  When we see smoke at a distance, we can infer that there is fire and wet-log. If the same is happening in a forest, we might conclude from that inference that it may be unsafe to venture into that area because there could be potentially dry wood nearby that could result in a a bigger forest fire.  The third source is extra-sensory experience that which some call as divine-intervention.

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